Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Bad Day

Ever since being horribly sick last week, things just haven't seemed quite right. Today, especially, made me recall a song I listened to a lot during high school, and playing tennis, and the long bus rides we'd have to take to get to and from the matches on Saturdays... Which is bizarre, because those were hardly ever bad days--we almost always won! Strange how some songs can have such strong and inexplicable associations attached to them.
"Bad Day" by Fuel

Had a bad day again
She said I would not understand
She left a note and said "I'm sorry, I had a bad day again.
She spilled her coffee, broke her shoelace.
Smeared the lipstick on her face.
Slammed the door and said "I'm sorry, I had a bad day again."

And she swears there's nothing wrong
I hear her playing that same old song
She puts me off and puts me on

And had a bad day again
She said I would not understand
She left a note that said, "I'm sorry, I had a bad day again."


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