Saturday, April 29, 2006

I'm feeling lucky

I'm feeling lucky today! Within an hour of waking up, I discovered these fantastic blogs:

"The swing state of the religious and political blogosphere."
In a two-sizes-fit-all culture, you're expected to sign up for one of two prefab sets of ideas. Just pop one or the other cassette into your brain, and you're good to go on automatic. Your friends, enemies, media choices, soundtrack, opinions, political candidates, pet pundits, pat peeves, team logos, and votes are all preselected for you. America is turning into a huge Super Bowl with only two teams and fans as rabid as Brit soccer hooligans. If you're neither of the above, if you're equally turned off by knee-jerk liberals and sanctimonious conservatives, you're a misfit, and I want to know you.
Unwilling Self-Negation: A thoughtful, lyrical blogger (from Punjab? I think?) who posts on a wide range of topics from Islam to women's rights to philosophy. One post, featuring an excerpt written by a female soldier in Iraq, gave me shivers.

I See invisible People
: Seeks to give us "
news, views and reviews of the people and places overlooked by the world at large." Definitely worth a read, especially the Carnival of Feminists.

Persephone's Box:
"Like Pandora's Box, but messier." Lots of variety in this one, from rants about baby-sitters to political commentary. I especially enjoyed, and agreed with, her defense of profanity and its use in blogs:
And I really don't understand why we can say feces, scat and poop, but not shit, or why we can say fornicate, copulate, and have a go, but not fuck. And why is "f*ck" okay, but not "fuck" - ahhh, my eyes! It's this one "F" word that stops even the most lenient teachers in their tracks even though it's permissible to say something "sucks" which is also sexual in nature. Why do we give that one word so much power? It baffles me that it's so offensive in this day and age.


Blogger Sage said...

Thanx for the link, Emmy!

May 01, 2006 1:12 PM  

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