Thursday, April 27, 2006

Ladies, apparently we should know better.

I would have expected better things from a newspaper as widely read as the Wall Street Journal, but on April 14th, one of their columnists wrote an article called, "Ladies, you should know better: How feminism wages war on common sense," accusing rape victims of endangering themselves and not being precautious enough to prevent sexual assault. And what's to blame for such negligence? That's right folks: Feminism. Thankfully, a post on TPMcafe lead me to an article that "puts a stake in the heart" of that ridiculous argument:
The contention that men are essentially violent and women just have to learn to deal is a useless strategy for sexual assault prevention. In fact, it's downright dangerous, perpetuating the regressive idea that men can commit abusive, criminal acts with impunity and the only thing women can do to cope is to avoid alcohol, parties and miniskirts. It's a depressing view of the world that offers women no hope of societal change, only fear and disempowerment.
Yes, women should be careful and aware, because there's no getting around the fact that women are much more easily "taken advantage of" than men. But that absolutely does not mean women are to blame because they happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. In fact, most of these crimes are perpetrated by the victim's boyfriends, family members, close friends and acquaintances! I'd like to hear what that WSJ columnist has to say about that, instead of conveniently ignoring most of the facts about rape in America and the important efforts feminists have spearheaded to educate and empower women.


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