Bush's Next War?
Fantastic article in the San Francisco Chronicle today by Mark Morford, which I was directed to by georgia10's post on Daily Kos. Don't think a nuclear war with Iran is a real possibility? Read this stinging, eloquent op-ed and perhaps you'll reconsider.
My favorite excerpts:
My favorite excerpts:
Sound far-fetched? Don't think even Bush could be capable of using nukes to slap Iran? Perish the thought. All reports from underground White House sources -- most notably by way of Sy Hersh's horrifying report in a recent New Yorker -- indicate that Dubya and his remaining team of war-happy flying monkeys have been secretly laying out plans to attack Iran for months, possibly including the use of tactical nuclear weapons to get at those deep Iranian bunkers, all because Iran just celebrated its entrance into the world's "nuclear club" by finally enriching some uranium for the first time. Cookies all around!Perhaps Bush could start listening to what everyday Iranians have to say about all of this--since he purportedly supports spreading democracy in the Middle East and giving the Iranian people a voice. Lend an ear, for example, to Mr. Behi, an Iranian blogger:
With Bush in power, there is no waiting. There is no thought of avoiding another hideous war at all costs. To the Bush hawks, diplomacy is a failed joke. Negotiation is for intellectuals and tofu pacifists. In the Dubya worldview, the planet is a roiling cauldron of nasty threats, crammed with terrorists and hateful Muslims and foreign demons suddenly growling on our doorstep...
am starting to believe that we are living in a haphazard time of human history! Can still not be live what I hear about the talks of using nuclear weapons against Iran's nuclear sites! Hey, do you hear me? we are people down here! can you understand that?
I couldn't agree with him more. Maybe Bush and his arrogant/ignorant hawks should stop by a Hiroshima or Nagasaki peace museum before launching a nuclear war, which would have far-reaching consequences not only on the bunkers they're trying to destroy, but the Iranian people as well.
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