Friday, April 14, 2006

The Waiter Rule

USA Today recently published an article on the "Waiter Rule." Apparently most CEOs in this country can't seem to agree on much except this rule, which states that you shouldn't hire someone who isn't nice to their waiter. In short, "A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter is not a nice person."

How true that is! And I even encountered an episode just today to prove it. While working the lunch shift at my restaurant, I managed to knock over a full glass of water all over a customer. It was one of those moments where time slows down, and I could literally watch the frame-by-frame movement of the fluted glass topple over, angled perfectly towards the customer so as to drench his entire crotch. It was mortifying and completely unprofessional, and I wouldn't have blamed him if he'd yelled at me, or made a snide remark. But he didn't. As I ran around apologizing profusely and dabbing with napkins at the table-turned-lake and assessing the damage, he calmly righted the glass and actually joked about it, saying "If it had been hot water, I might be slightly more upset." I know nothing else about this dude, but I can honestly say with great confidence that he is a genuinely good human being. And I agree completely with the Waiter Rule--how you treat those who wait your table, or any job that creates a distinctly subservient--however unstated--role for another person, can really illuminate your character, or lack thereof.

Unfortunately, this brings me to a sad realization: I can sometimes be a really big bitch towards waiters and waitresses whom I find to be derelict in their duties. I'm going to work on that. There's no excuse--especially since I've been there and done that, and everybody has their bad days and makes mistakes. Just like my customer was understanding of my screw-up today, I'm going to endeavor to have a bigger heart for my fellow waitfolk in the future. Because that's how I hope to be treated, every time I go into work.
For quality commentary on the perils of waitering, written by a a full-time waiter with a talent for sarcasm, check out Waiter Rant.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha waiter rule ka. i was bitchy to a waitor the other day, and tab and a friend of ours, annie looked at me like, 'wow, that was bitchy'. but in my defense, the guy seemed quite panicky cuz the restaurant was busy, and he didn't seem all that quick (mentally), so i wanted to make sure our bread was on the way. probably could've used a nicer tone though. ahaha oops, i guess i'm not a genuinely nice person either. but then again, waitors have their bad fuck up days and customers have their bad days as well. best not to judge people just from one incident dane. i will be careful how i treat waitors/resses though cuz i would never treat my friends that way, and i have a few friends who wait tables.

sidenote: word verifications are so strange...i don't really understand them. like if you're illiterate you can't post anything tte koto?

April 16, 2006 6:22 AM  

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