Saturday, May 13, 2006

"I like blogs, but..."

Thomas Friedman at the Times on blogs:
I like blogs, but the only bloggers who appeal to me are those who do reporting and aren't just sitting at home in their pajamas firing off digital mortars.

Did you get the memo? Bloggers aren't just journalists anymore. That's the beauty of it. Now, I can get my news from you and the everyday dude in Jerusalem who updates his web log for kicks and to let his American relatives know that he hasn't been killed by a suicide bomber. As for sitting in our pajamas--I'd bet my computer (shitty though it may be after sticking with me throughout the bright college years) that you've written a lot of your Pulitzer-prize-winning work while wearing nightwear. And digital mortars makes it sounds like bloggers only write to destroy. Quite the contrary. Just like you, bloggers are writing original web content every single day. We may not be winning prizes, but I think we can do without the condescension.
Note: I actually think Friedman is a good journalist and writer (though I also think he has a tendency towards over-simplification, as exemplified in his opinion above.) I just took offense at his crack against my new hobby and all the fine blogfolk out there, and felt the need to hit back.


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