Sunday, August 13, 2006

Two weeks...

It's been over two weeks since my last post.

I know.

It's pathetic.

Recently I've developed this notion that blogging, in some ways, is rather like cleaning: it's much easier to keep up and do it daily than it is to let things accumulate and attempt to do everything at once. The unfortunate news is that I'm already so far behind on here, and catching up is such a monstrously overwhelming task, that I've been systematically avoiding Blogger for the last several days. Or week. Sigh.

The mundane excuse for my online absence is that I started my first-ever Real Job down in San Francisco this week. It was a blast, but it also undermined my sense of confidence (not to mention competence) immensely. Who are all of these HBS graduates, nodding in understanding as the IT dude talks about pivot tables and modeling and how to manipulate data in excel spreadsheets spanning thousands of cells? Why do I feel so incredibly young all of a sudden??? It's an interesting feeling to go from feeling old as a senior in university to coming to grips with the rather jarring idea that you'll be working with people 10 or 20 or 30 years your seni
or on a daily basis. Suddenly, you're not just surrounded by 20-somethings. I really like it--but it's difficult not to feel like the runt of the litter.

Anyway, I just needed to overcome the inertia and put something up here to remind myself that I'm capable of doing just that. Photos from the latter half of Bobby and I's roadtrip to come! And an update on BlogHer! And so much more, right here, on the so-called real world.

Preview: Me, tree-huggin' in Oregon.


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