Gelatinous sea cows & learning to let go
Opinionistas on the topic of happiness. Check it out, it's a good read. The following sentence, in particular, made me laugh out loud:
Reading [the New Yorker] is like joining a gym next to a professional ballet studio; no matter how many love handles you conquer on the treadmill, you need only walk home past the sea of twiggy nymphs with perfect hair to remember your status as a gelatinous sea cow by comparison.But she goes on to discuss what happiness means to her, and ends with some advice that I, for one, should and will take note of:
Seething in pools of resentment and perceived injustice can be so fun - it’s part of the deliciousness of being right while others are wrong. But maybe the key to improving our own lives is to give it all up. Try not being right. Give it a whirl. Start with the little things, like not flicking off the asshole who cuts you out in the left lane or screaming at the political pundit on CNN. Before acting on impulses, consider that they’re just impulses, and you’re not right in the situation. Let it go.
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