Sunday, July 02, 2006

Friendship Networks: The Purge

In my never-ending quest to reduce the amount of clutter in my life, I took the bold step of cancelling my Friendster and MySpace accounts this morning. This came after carefully considering just how many friends I am connected to solely through these networks. The number was triflingly small. After sending messages to these few with my current email address so they could get in touch if they were so inclined, I clicked the button "Cancel Account" not once but twice, erasing my online baggage by more than 50%!!! No more annoying email from Friendster or MySpace about this or that new feature. No more sketchy people trying to become "friends" with me. No more updating four profiles at once.

It was immensely satisfying. I highly recommend it.

If you'd like to stalk me in the future, please do so on Facebook and Mixi. (I'm a new convert to Mixi, which is an excellent community site if you speak Japanese. Thanks to my bro Colin for pushing me to try it.) And of course, you can always leave comments right here too.


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