Wednesday, June 14, 2006

feeding my pho addiction

So the seven months or so leading up to my graduation from college, I was a waitress at Pot-au-Pho, the only Vietnamese restaurant in New Haven. Their pho is to die for, and I miss it already! You can guess how thrilled I was to learn from my trusty Seattle guidebook (Thanks McKinsey) that there is not only a sizeable Chinatown in the Emerald City, but also a (albeit tiny) Little Saigon. I've been crossing my fingers that this area, which apparently comprises the eatern edge of the I-district, has some scrumptuous Vietnamese comfort food up one of its alleys. Now, thanks to the food dude Robotic Gourmand, I know there is.
Goi cuon photo credit: Robotic Gourmand. Don't they look yummy?


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