Wednesday, December 12, 2007


The line extending from the door of the Showbox Sodo seemed to go on forever as JoHo and I walked to the end of it. It was my first political event--$100 donation to Obama's campaign got you in the door--and there was a lot of anticipation. Arguably the most engaging and charismatic of all the presidential candidates, I was psyched to see him in person. After about an hour and a half of listening to two very random bands (note: lead singer from Pearl Jam does not automatically make you a compelling act) and a brief intro from the mayor of Seattle, he appeared on the stage to enthusiastic applause and yelling.

He cuts quite a figure. (I imagine my reaction to him is very similar to what my reaction to JFK would have been.) He has a beautiful voice, a great smile, and didn't feel too practiced or forced throughout the stump speech. The crowd loved him. There were a couple of things in his speech that worried me (How is he going to fund the healthcare coverage he wants to extend to the 47M of uninsured Americans? If he's talking about America regaining its position and stature in global politics, why the anti-free-trade rhetoric around keeping jobs here--aren't we all a part of the global economy?) but my overwhelming emotion throughout his talk was hope. Hope for a new start for this country, and the possibility of being able to go abroad and be proud to be American again.

Go Obama!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You went to the Obama event? Man i should have gone... but $100 still seems like a lot =)
I read Shantaram a about a year back - it's an account of an Australian escaped convict's life living in Bombay in the 70s. Amazing experience. Really it's the story of 3 different lives he lived. Anyways, take care!

December 14, 2007 1:49 AM  

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